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IVZ hits total depth TD. Wireline logging underway…


Published 30-OCT-2023 09:48 A.M.


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Invictus Energy (ASX: IVZ) just hit total depth (TD) at its Mukuyu-2 well.

IVZ is near the end of its drill program targeting a 20 tcf gas + 845 million barrels of oil prospective resource in Zimbabwe.

Its a target that is large enough to be company making IF IVZ can make a discovery.

Today, IVZ hit TD ~50m earlier than it first anticipated citing “increasing levels of connection gas” which would have made drilling deeper more challenging.

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Put simply - IVZ was seeing more and more gas as it drilled deeper and instead of compromising the hole conditions it has moved straight into the final stage of its drill program - wireline logging.

IVZ has already kicked off the wireline logging program and expects results within 6-8 days.

That means we should know whether or not IVZ has made a basin opening discovery in less than 8 days time…

Wireline logging will ultimately determine the net pay numbers and give us more detail on porosity/permeability.

All of these are what determine how big and how likely a discovery is to being commercial.

Here is everything we know about IVZ’s project so far:

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What we expect to see IVZ announce next:

  1. The well reaches total depth (TD) ✅ - IVZ hit total Depth already - 3,718m.
  2. Wireline logging program commenced and completed 🔄 - Wireline logging will take 6-8 days to complete (assuming no technical issues).
  3. Final results (fingers crossed we get a “discovery” announcement here) 🔲 - We should know within the next 8 days…

What a discovery could mean for IVZ:

We put out a detailed note on IVZ on Friday which touches on what a discovery could mean for IVZ.

Check out that note here: Just days away now… the IVZ result we have been waiting for

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